Are You Striving or Simply Surviving?

Are You Striving or Simply Surviving?

The Striving Styles Personality System is based on the premise that if we want to know what we are born for, we must know what we are born as. Too often we are trying to figure out what we are meant to be or do without really knowing who we are. This disconnect causes us to look outside of ourselves for answers to questions that can only be answered from within.

It is said that at the moment of your birth have an awareness of your potential and an idea of who you are meant to be. In the next moment, it this awareness disappears into the unconscious where it becomes our task to uncover it during our lifetime.

Although there are some people who seem to know who they are, where they are going, and who they are going to do it with, most of us struggle along defining ourselves as we go. We go through periods of indecision, insecurity and self-questioning without having the skills and capacity to look inward at our nature and our personality needs. We tend to look out and compare ourselves to others who aren’t struggling, making our problems even worse. Looking outside of ourselves only helps to distance us further from our true nature, while making us more dependant on people in the outer world to confirm our value.

When we spend our time just meeting our survival needs, we become experts at surviving and can spend the rest of our lives doing that. But even though we may put all of our energy into surviving, there is still the spark inside of us that moves us toward achieving our potential. That potential is always there for us to develop and it is best met by understanding one’s Striving energy or Striving Style. When you use the energy of the striving styles you most prefer, it will engage you in your life in a way that you are most likely to achieve your potential.

Let’s face it. We have more information on how to create the life we are meant to live at our fingertips than we could ever read in a lifetime. We read it, some of us obsessively, yet few actually use it to make significant changes in their lives. So why is this and what can we do about it? This book provides answers to these questions and more!