Stop Complaining and Start Living


Stop Complaining and Start Living

The habit of complaining is a difficult one to break. We can get anxious when we have to do something about the situation. By complaining, we aren’t looking to make the situation better, nor do we want someone to tell us that we have a part in the problem. We just want to complain.

Isn’t it amazing how much energy we spend complaining? We complain about our jobs, our children, our partners. And our parents, siblings and relatives are all fair game. We complain about the weather, having to wait, and we never make enough money. We lead with what is wrong and what we don’t like.

Even though we say we don’t like to complain or listen to others complaining, we do it anyway. Most of us are too afraid to confront our friends or family when they go on and on about the hardships they are experiencing. Let’s face it. It is easier to complain than to do something about it.

The habit of complaining is a difficult one to break. We can get anxious when we have to do something about the situation. By complaining, we aren’t looking to make the situation better, nor do we want someone to tell us that we have a part in the problem. We just want to complain.

Since no one goes to classes to become a pro at personal relationships and conflict resolution, we just go on automatic pilot, not knowing what we need to do to change. You can’t just tell someone to stop complaining. It doesn’t work that way.

It’s time to stop complaining and start living with power. If complaining is getting in the way of creating the life you want, you can do something about it. We help individuals fed up with their own complaining and lack of action (or whose friends and family are fed up). No matter who the complaint is about…we help you build courage, take action and break the habit of complaining. Join us in our efforts to wipe out chronic complaining!