Enhance Your Professional Practice
Enhance Your Professional Practice
Get individuals on the path to who they are meant to be by identifying the predominant needs that must be met in order to self-actualize. By changing your focus from behaviors to the needs that drive behavior, you can facilitate deep, meaningful growth and development in your clients and organization.
Use the Striving Styles Personality System to improve the impact of your work with internal and external clients. It can be used with all human development approaches such as coaching, consulting, training, therapy, counseling, career management and more. Embrace the challenge, take control of the direction of your practice, and position yourself as an SSPS pioneer. Your clients will take notice.
Gain the Edge with the Striving Styles Personality System
Showing individuals how they can direct their energy in the pursuit of their goals and desires is a powerful approach to human development. The SSPS can eliminate weeks, months, or even years of getting to your clients' or employees' issues by quickly identifying their emotional needs, dysfunctional patterns and self-protective behaviors.
The Striving Styles makes it easy for your client to learn to consciously guide their behavior, and make choices that are most beneficial to them at work, at home or at school. The SSPS delivers the power to remap the brain in order to achieve sustainable personal development. Clients will see what long-standing patterns are holding them back and what to do about it. This is something the MBTI® and its imitators just can't promise, and aren't even really concerned with.
Build Confidence with the SSPS
If you've experienced resistance to MBTI® and related assessments — and this is all too common — the SSPS is your clear alternative. Individuals who know their Striving Style are simply in a better position to meet their own needs, and thus are much more receptive to your assistance and expertise. You will see their confidence grow as they develop a greater knowledge of themselves by recognizing their predominant need and mastering strategies for integrating their brain. The immediate difference you'll perceive is nothing short of remarkable.
Quick, effective, and lasting personal development. It's all possible when you take charge and incorporate the SSPS into your developmental programs. Find out more by participating in our introductory E-learning session today.

Expedite client development and increase satisfaction with the SSPS. LEARN MORE...>

Take organizations to the next level. The SSPS gets at the underlying motivations behind individual, leader and team behaviors. LEARN MORE...>