Mindfulness, when used with the Striving Styles Personality System, can deepen our capacity to live with greater self-awareness and freedom from self-imposed limitations. Integrating the work of leaders in the field of Mindfulness and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy such as Jon Kabat-Zinn and Dan Siegel, the SSPS teaches how to clients can focus and direct their energy and change self-limiting habits of mind.
Self-awareness is the foundation for all personal development and behavioral change. Without it, there can be learning, but no real development. Self-awareness is how much we know about ourselves, our beliefs about who we are, and what we think our capabilities are. Without awareness of our feelings, thoughts and behavior, we have no ability to reflect on these things to determine if they are going to move us in the direction we want to go. Self-awareness alerts us to the areas of our personality that need to develop.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the practical application of self-awareness, self-management and social awareness; in short, developing mindfulness means developing Emotional Intelligence. Self-awareness really does matter, and so does consciously managing our habitual thoughts, feelings, and responses.
Mindfulness is nothing more mysterious than learning how to pay attention to our immediate experience and to develop the ability to focus attention where we want it to go. Mindfulness is a particular way of relating to our experiences that allows us to become free of unnecessary entanglements and to live in the present moment more deeply and fully. Mindfulness helps us recognize and accept our emotions without reactivity.
How Mindfulness Helps
The SSPS emphasizes the strengthening of self-awareness through the practice of mindfulness (attention directed in a nonjudgmental way towards the present moment). It helps clients move away from reflexive emotional reactions and self-destructive thought patterns. It teaches clients to observe, manage and direct emotion so that they are more likely to change limiting habits of mind and behavior as well as chosing self-actualizing behavior over self-protective behaviors.
SSPS & Mindfulness
The Striving Styles Personality System is a based on how our brain is organized with eight fundamental ways attention and energy are organized. The resulting eight patterns can keep us caught in repetitive and limited ways of thinking and feeling. Each of us has a predominant energy style that is more natural for us to use. The overuse of this style can cause us to limit our growth and development as we don't draw on other energy centers that are better equipped to handle various situations. Knowing our Striving Style is an effective way of managing and directing our energy from our habitual patterns and maximizing our potential.
Mindfulness practice with the psychological insights of the Striving Styles Personality System is a powerful combination for changing the brain and focusing our energy. Knowing our Striving Style is particularly useful in understanding where our attention and energy naturally flows, and thereby influencing our relationship dynamics, styles of communication and our blind spots.
Train Your Brain Using Mindfulness
Research shows that the regular practice of mindfulness changes the brain, resulting in increased optimism, more ability to manage your thoughts and feelings and a greater capacity to use the rational brain (prefrontal cortex). A way of “being” in daily life that can optimize innovative thinking, creative problem solving and the ability to navigate through times of continuing change. It is a way of dealing with difficult emotions and creates the foundation for healthy emotional, interpersonal, and physiological well-being.
Become an SSPS Practitioner today and learn mindfulness techniques that will help your clients build greater self-awareness and harness their emotions.

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