What Have You Done for Your Mental Health Lately?


What Have You Done for Your Mental Health Lately?

Symptoms of poor mental health include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, relationship problems, obsessive thinking, poor impulse control, etc. Mindful Therapies, psychotherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy are all proven treatments for these conditions.

Mental illness is on the rise and with each year that passes, more people experience depression and anxiety at a younger age. More of our health care dollar is spent on the treating mental illness with no signs of this letting up.

People are so afraid of their emotions that they deny they have a problem until it is too late. They don’t see their mental health as their responsibility or something they can do anything about. We often read stories about mental illness, we see media depictions; it seems to be everywhere. The lack of understanding around emotions and behaviour has created a stigma around mental illness. People are often ashamed of how they are feeling and are reluctant to seek help. In addition, there are so many stigmas attached to mental illness that it prevents people who are suffering (20% of all people) from seeking help. According to The Canadian Mental Health Association, almost half of those suffering never get treatment.

Mental health is the capacity for each of us to feel, think and act in ways that enhance our ability to enjoy life and deal with its inherent challenges. It is often described as how we feel and act — our behaviors, mood, and attitude toward our lives and our environment. We often reveal our mental health through our ability to cope and respond to stress, how authentically we express ourselves, how we relate to family and friends, and how we operate at home, work, or school.

The brain is an organ like any other and understanding how it functions and when it needs a tune up is critical to restoring mental balance and health. We know more about how to take care of our cars than our brains! Not seeking professional help when we have a broken bone is shocking: yet people can go for years without seeking resolution to emotional and relationship conflicts.

Symptoms of poor mental health include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, relationship problems, obsessive thinking, poor impulse control, etc. Mindful Therapies, psychotherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy are all proven treatments for these conditions.