Leverage the insight of brain organization, emotional drivers and personality (Jung, MBTI® and Striving Styles®) in your interviewing practices.
Currently, Behavioral Interviewing doesn’t take into account the unique differences in personality and how the brain is hardwired to function. Integrating a brain-based approach allows greater insight into the mechanics of the candidate’s behavioral motivators and their intrinsic need satisfiers and dissatisfiers. For employers, this provides an opportunity to drill deeper into aligning candidates with the job and cultural norms.
Brain-based behavioral interviewing helps you align your questions to the personality style of each of your candidates. Behavioral Interview questions that incorporate how the candidate’s brain is wired to perform go beyond cognitive interview questions and get to the real drivers of the candidate’s behavior. With our Brain-based Behavioural Interview Guide, we make it easy for you to avoid critical errors in the hiring process.
Wtih 185 pages, this extensive resource guide includes:
- description of each of the 16 Types (Jung, MBTI) or Striving Styles Squads
- information on best work environment, work style, satisfiers and dissatisfiers
- description of the key behavioural challenges for each Type
- behavioural questions for each of these challenges for each Type
- extensive variety of behaviour-based questions to choose from
- directory of all the behavioural interview questions for each area of challenge
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